Categories: international news

The Chinese do not brush their teeth!

The Dhaka Times Desk The news is that the Chinese do not brush their teeth! No doubt anyone will be surprised to read such news.

We are using products made in China. From mobile phones to various electronic products, staplers, stapler pins, needles, there is no product that we do not use. But if you ever hear that the Chinese don't brush their teeth! So how do you like the word? You might actually be surprised. But it's true.

According to Genius, most people in China have never brushed in their lives! But there is also an information found, even if they don't brush, they are not that dirty. The reason is that the residents of China use mouth freshener to get rid of bad breath. But they don't use brushes at all.

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The thing is, no matter how much mouth freshener you use, how are you going to get to their mouth if you don't brush your teeth? If you think about this - maybe those who are a little secretaries will be nauseated!

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৩০, ২০২৪ 4:09 pm

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