Categories: entertainment

This time Mahi is acting as a twin

The Dhaka Times Desk Now popular actress Mahiya Mahi is playing the role of twin. He will be seen in a dual role in director Badiul Alam Khokon's next film.

Now popular actress Mahiya Mahi is playing the role of twin. However, the name of the film has not been finalized yet. But Mahi's two characters are Mahi and Mithila.

In the screenplay of this new film, Mahi will be seen as a drug addict. On the other hand, Mithila is completely opposite nature i.e. calm nature. But Mithila's character will change in the middle of the film, that is, she will be seen acting in action scenes as well.

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Arefin Shubo and Zayed Khan are slated to act opposite twin sisters in this film. It has been informed that the shooting will start from April 10.

It is only a matter of time when the work of the film will be completed, and when Mahi will be seen. Now Mahi fans are waiting to see only two Mahi on the big screen.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২২, ২০১৬ 10:02 pm

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