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Wake up: But after 30 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk You may also be surprised to hear such words. But it's not a lie, it's true. An animal named Tardigrade who woke up after 30 years!

Sleep bhanalo However 30 years

Not today, in 1983, a Japanese researcher found this small animal tardigrade on the way to Antarctica. At that time, they were brought to Japan in ice boxes. After more than 30 years in the laboratory at around -20 degrees Celsius, two of the tiny creatures reawakened in the care of researchers in 2014. Times of India reports.

According to the report, the hatchlings brought with them hatched tardigrades. Along with this, many mysteries have been revealed. The research was recently reported in the journal 'Cryobiology' The researchers named the two tardigrades 'Sleeping Beauty 1 and 2'. It is better known as 'water bear'.

According to news media, the specialty of this small animal is that they can survive in any part of the world or in any difficult situation. Whether it is the top of the Himalayas or the ice-covered area of Antarctica, the deep seabed or dusty roads, this animal roams freely everywhere. It is not so easy to destroy this small creature. Scientists were not able to kill tardigrades by not eating them, burning them, exploding them with radiation!

Tardigrades can induce 'cryptobiosis' at will, the researchers said. That is the main secret of their longevity. They need a layer of water around their tiny bodies at all times. In very dry weather, they lose 97 percent of their body moisture. Then their body size is reduced by 40 percent. In this 'cryptobiotic' state the animal can survive in any environment for a long time.

Researchers say that their cells become resistant to heat, cold, radiation and even everything. In such a condition they can stay for about 10 years. Tardigrades recover from adverse conditions and receive adequate moisture. The same thing is thought to have happened to the tardigrades brought by the Japanese researchers. Altogether, tardigrades have a lifespan of about 31 years, researchers said.

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