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The story of being the mother of mother 'Dana'!

epa04866068 Male baby orang-utan Dalai (bottom) lies in the arms of his mother Daisy (top) in the zoo in Dresden, Germany, 30 July 2015. One week ago the female orang-utan gave birth to Dalai and has since then recovered. from the birth in camera. EPA/ARNO BURGI (ARNO BURGI / EPA)

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that everyone is interested in becoming a mother, be it human or animal. There is a story for you about mother 'Dana' being a mother.

epa04866068 Male baby orang-utan Dalai (bottom) lies in the arms of its mother Daisy (top) in the zoo in Dresden, Germany, 30 July 2015. One week ago the female orang-utan gave birth to Dalai and has since then recovered from the birth in camera.  EPA/ARNO BURGI  (ARNO BURGI / EPA)

Dana became pregnant for the first time in 2009. But the happiness of Seva's child may not have been in his destiny. Due to various physical complications, only Dana could be saved by Seva. Her child could not be saved. Seva Dana not only lost her child, but also lost her ability to be a mother. Still, Dana did not give up. After two years of treatment, Dana can become a mother again in 2012. She gives birth to little Kia.

The question may arise, what is new in this incident? These days, with the help of medical science, such incidents often happen. But Dana is completely different from the others because Dana is not a human, she is an orangutan. The birth of an orangutan was caught on camera for the first time. Dana really got a taste of real motherhood this time. Even if not a human being, this senseless animal is happy!

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