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New Zealand police are in trouble with handcuffs!

The Dhaka Times Desk New Zealand police are in trouble with handcuffs! The main cause of this problem is obese prisoners. Due to the lack of handcuffs for their body size, they have to fall into this problem.

New Zealand police & handcuffs

Police say that the handcuffs that are currently in place are too tight for them, which makes it difficult to wear them.
This news was reported by BBC Monitoring citing a New Zealand news website.

New Zealand Police Sergeant Graham Grubb said, 'There are many suspects and criminals with very thick wrists. That is why they cannot be handcuffed. So we are looking for a bigger handcuff.'

He also said, 'That's why the police have to face difficulties even if they want to catch such big-handed suspects.
It may also cause difficulty in retaining light weight individuals. They can look for an opportunity to slip out of these big handcuffs!'

The New Zealand Herald said large handcuffs should be shortened to fit thinner prisoners. No separate training is required for the use of these handcuffs.

It should be noted that the issue of handcuffing by the police came to light at a time when the government says that the problem of handcuffing in the country is increasing at a significant rate.

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