Categories: international news

Selling bottled cow urine in London!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such news. But it is true that bottled cow urine is being sold in London. Selling labeled bottled cow urine!

According to the BBC news, in different states of India, cow chana or cow urine is sometimes heard about the various qualities. But this time the business of this object has started in London itself. There are some stores that are selling cow's urine in bottles and labeling it in public again!

In many stores, just below the shelf where the bread is sold, there is cow urine, with the price written on the bottle. Shop officials said many people from the Hindu community come to buy cow urine. It is associated with their religious practices. There is a tradition that many people use cow urine for 'good luck' in the puja that is performed after the birth of a child.

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The Hare Krishna Temple and Bhaktivedanta Manor are located in Watford. They also collect this 'cow-urine' from where various religious establishments have dairy farms.

Gouri Das, managing director of the temple, told the media that we have been processing and selling this cow urine since the seventies. Many South Asians have a demand for it. Many people use it for worship. Many people use it as medicine. Many people even use this cow urine to clean things!

How does this cow's urine taste? In response to such a question, Pradeep, a member of the temple, said, 'Taste, Tita, it seems like medicine to me.'

Britain's Food Standards Agency says it is illegal to sell cow urine for human consumption. However, there is no restriction in the food law in the case of cleaning skin dirt or such external use.

And so the shopkeepers argue, 'They don't sell it as human food. Rather, they sell it to the pujaris or devotees, for use in their worship.'

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৩, ২০২৪ 2:25 pm

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