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Jamaat leader Kamaruzzaman ordered to be hanged

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat's Assistant Secretary General Mohammad Kamaruzzaman's case verdict has been announced. The court sentenced him to death.

The three-member International Crimes Tribunal-II, headed by Justice Obaidul Hasan, delivered the verdict. Mohammad Kamaruzzaman was one of the perpetrators of the terrible and gruesome incidents of murder, massacre, looting and torture in Sherpur in 1971. The trial of the case against Kamaruzzaman ended on April 16. The tribunal was waiting to announce the verdict that day. Through the trial of Kamaruzzaman, a total of 4 cases including three in Tribunal-2 and one in Tribunal-1 were announced.

Earlier, after the trial of fugitive Abul Kalam Azad alias Bachchu Razakar, on January 21, Tribunal-2 announced the death sentence and on February 5, Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah's case was sentenced to life imprisonment, then on February 28, Tribunal-1 sentenced Delwar Hossain Sayeedi to death, in addition to two 4 more cases are pending in the tribunal. The trial of Jamaat's former Amir Ghulam Azam ended on April 17. Judgment will be announced anytime.

State lawyer AKM Saiful Islam told reporters that we have been able to prove 7 charges against accused Kamaruzzaman, including murder, rape and aiding in rape, torture, deportation, and crimes against humanity. From the documentary evidence submitted by us and the testimony of the witnesses, we were fairly certain that the maximum punishment (death sentence) would be given to him. In more than three years since the war crimes tribunal was set up, the verdict has been announced against the fourth accused. This is the fourth judgment to remove the disgrace of the nation.

What did Kamaruzzaman do?

During the liberation war in 1971, Kamaruzzaman was the main organizer of the Albadar Bahini in Greater Mymensingh. Under his leadership and cooperation, Albadar Bahini and Pakistani army committed crimes against humanity in various areas including Mymensingh, Sherpur, Jamalpur. He is accused of murder of intellectuals, genocide, forced migration, torture, rape, mass killings, conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity and genocide, inciting and inciting and being a high-level leader. In Sohagpur village of Nalitabari upazila of Sherpur district, under the leadership of Kamaruzzaman, on 25 July 1971, 120 innocent people were killed and about 170 women of that village were raped and tortured. Since that incident Sohagpur village is now known as 'Vidhavapalli'.

It is to be noted that the International Criminal Tribunal was established on March 25, 2010 for the trial of crimes against humanity including murder, genocide, rape, arson, looting, torture, conversion during the Great War of Liberation. Jamaat leader Mohammad Kamaruzzaman was arrested from the High Court area on July 13, 2010 in a case of hurting religious sentiments. On August 2, he was arrested on charges of crimes against humanity.

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Kamaruzzaman's trial began on June 4 with the filing of charges in seven types of crimes. From July 15 last year to February 20 this year, a total of 18 witnesses of the state, including investigation officer Abdur Razzak Khan, testified against Kamaruzzaman. On the other hand, 5 witnesses testified for Kamaruzzaman. Argument presentation started from March 24 this year and ended on April 16.

As many complaints

On June 4 last year, Tribunal-2 framed seven types of charges against Jamaat leader Mohammad Kamaruzzaman, including torture of Hannith Hannan, killing of Badiuzzaman, killing of Golam Mostafa, massacre in Sohagpur, killing of 8 people including Liaquat, killing of 5 people including Tepa Mia and torture of some people including Weer.

Security is tight

On the occasion of the announcement of the verdict, the security of the International Criminal Tribunal established in the old High Court building has been strengthened since noon yesterday. Numerous police, RAB and intelligence forces have been deployed. No person shall enter the Tribunal without the permission of the proper authority. Strict security has been kept in that regard. Law and order enforcement personnel are on guard in the tribunal area to prevent any kind of vandalism.

This post was last modified on মে ৯, ২০১৩ 2:26 pm

Staff reporter

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