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Things to do to strengthen Wi-Fi connection

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no alternative to Wi-Fi when multiple people want to use the internet together. A smartphone or laptop can be used as a hotspot, but it is temporary. Wi-Fi connection is permanent. Find out what to do to strengthen it.

Wifi connection strong

If the internet speed of Wi-Fi is weak or if the router is not working properly, you may panic. But there is nothing to panic. You can strengthen it if you want. For this you need to take some steps.

Use good router to use # on Wi-Fi. For example, use a double router. It is good to see if the router is 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz and 802.11 ac or 802.11 n standards.

Place the # Wi-Fi router in a central location in the house, so that everywhere in the house can easily connect to the Internet.

# You are in a part of the house where the router is far down. In such a case, use the router's 2.4 GHz channel.

# is often found to be unable to connect to desktop and Mac computers with Wi-Fi routers properly. Therefore, files like plist should be deleted.

# The Wi-Fi modem you use also has software. Based on which the router works. So from time to time you have to look at the software update of the router. So keep an eye on router settings from time to time.

For # cordless phone connection, microwave or Bluetooth, sometimes the Wi-Fi router cannot work properly. So using a double router will reduce the problem a lot.

To increase the range of the # router, you can resort to a small trick. This type of trick is called the Wind Safer Tinfoil Trick. For example, open one side of an empty can of cold drinks completely and, on the other side, make a small leak. Insert the router's antenna into the opening of the can with the opening facing up. This will make the opening of the can act much like a radar. Because of this, the range of the router will increase even if only slightly.

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