The Dhaka Times
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New technology: people will disappear in the blink of an eye!

The Dhaka Times Desk What we have seen in movies for so long can now be seen in reality. Such a new technology is coming, through which people can disappear in an instant!

disappear New technologies

Remember that 'Invisibility Cloak' from many movies, especially Harry Potter? You can disappear anywhere by putting it on your body. Also on BTV long back we have seen some serials in which people disappear when they tap a clock. But that Rowling's fantasy is about to become a reality.

A sheet has been invented that wraps around the body, that's it! And no one will see him! That aquatic man will disappear before the eyes of others. Just like Harry Potter's 'Invisibility Cloak'!

Not just a fantasy, but a new technology that is now in the hands of the British Army. A group of researchers at the University of Massachusetts have discovered a special type of fabric that actually works much like 'camouflage'.

This is seen in the animal world. Many animals in the natural world can change body color. It can be seen sometimes to protect themselves from danger by mixing with tree trunks, leaves or soil. The newly discovered fabric is able to 'sense' the color of the environment it is in. Because it contains small light sensing cells.

According to the report, after identifying the color, an electrical signaling is transmitted to the fabric. Once the top layer of the fabric changes color with heat-sensitive dye-technology, it takes on the color of the surrounding environment.

So if he is standing somewhere fixed on this fabric sheet then after a while the sheet will change color according to the environment there. So even from quite a distance there is no way for anyone to know that anyone is there.

British forces have already done initial tests with this 'invisibility cloak'. They hope that this invisible cloak will be used in the battlefield in a few days.

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