The Dhaka Times
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Today is the dark night of 1971

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the dark night of 1971. On the night of March 25 today, the unarmed Bengalis were suddenly attacked by Pakistani forces. The nation has not forgotten that terrible night.

25 March 1971

March 25, 1971 was a terrible night in the life of the Bengali nation. In order to bind the people of this country in the chains of subjugation, on the night of March 25, the Pakistani army carried out a massacre called 'Operation Searchlight'. At midnight, Dhaka turned into a city of corpses.

That night, the Pakistani forces started killing Bengalis indiscriminately at Rajarbagh Police Line, Pilkhana EPR Headquarters, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Dhaka University, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Dhaka city. In different parts of the country including Dhaka, the invaders brutally killed at least half a million Bengalis in just one night.

It was not only a brutal and gruesome murder, but a shameful chapter in history. Media in favor of independence of Bangladesh was also not spared from executioner Yahya's cunning plan that day. Today is that night. A shameful chapter in the history of the Bengali nation was done by Pakistani forces. The words of Kalratri have not yet been erased from the hearts of Bengalis.

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