Categories: special news

Tanu Rape and Murder: Citizens are growing worried

The Dhaka Times Desk After the rape and murder of Sohagi Jahan Tanu (20), a student of Comilla Victoria College, a panic has started across the country. Meanwhile, today the Home Minister has assured justice.

Sohagi Jahan Tanu, a student of Comilla Victoria College, went out for tuition near home on March 20 afternoon. Then he disappeared. The next day on March 21 (Monday) in the morning, the police recovered his mutilated body from the surrounding area of Comilla Cantonment. She was brutally murdered after being raped. This student has been a victim of one of the most extreme atrocities in recent times.

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Meanwhile, after this incident, anxiety is gradually increasing across the country. In particular, questions have arisen about the safety of women. After such an incident near the cantonment, 5 days are going to pass but still Kao has not been arrested, so many questions have arisen in the public mind.

The Home Minister said on Saturday, 'Detectives are working to unravel the mystery of Tanu's murder. I don't want to say anything before the investigation. Just as the mystery of all previous murders has been revealed, the mystery of Tanu's murder will also be revealed and the killers will be brought to justice.

Earlier, Ganajagran Manch spokesperson Imran H Chowdhury questioned the army's silence. Ganajagran Manch has also announced a protest program towards Comilla. However, ISPR has assured to investigate the incident in a statement.

However, anxiety has not subsided across the country. Questions about public safety have arisen among the general public. After Tanu's murder, nationwide protest programs including the National Press Club continued. The only hope of the countrymen is to find the perpetrators of Tanu's murder and provide exemplary punishment.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৬, ২০১৬ 10:08 pm

Staff reporter

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