Categories: entertainment

Tinni's chat in Hatirjheel late at night

The Dhaka Times Desk Tinni chatted with security forces in Hatirjheel late at night. But it was not a chat at all, it was a chat for the shooting of a drama.

night hatirajhile & Tinninight hatirajhile & Tinni

As the night deepens, the capital Dhaka sinks into silence and stillness. So late at night there is no information about who is going and not going where. But that day the security guards of Hatirjheel were informed. Because they got a hanging out partner. However, he was accompanied by the drama director, camera man and some crew members.

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The security personnel were very amused to see the popular model-actress Sravasti Dutta Tinni in Hatirjheel late at night. Just what? All night chat with the security forces at the police check post.

Tinni was not alone in that chat. Two others joined him. One is drunk and the other is crazy. But that chat with the security forces in Hatirjheel of Tinni is not regular. Was only for two nights. The shooting of the drama was seen there for two nights.

Written by Shamim Shikder and directed by Sanjay Samdar, the play is titled 'Checkpost'. Shatabdi Wadud, Jamil, Shamim etc. are also acting in the drama. Bangladesh Police is fully cooperating in the staging of the play. Produced by Max Creation Limited, the drama 'Checkpost' will be aired on a TV channel on a special day, according to producer sources.

It should be noted that Tinny sometimes became very active in acting. He was away from acting due to various family reasons. In recent times he has turned his attention to acting again.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৮, ২০১৬ 7:38 pm

Staff reporter

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