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Meet the devil in Mexico!

The Dhaka Times Desk Is Satan ever seen? Have you ever heard of such a thing before? If you haven't heard it, listen today. Meet the devil in Mexico!

Mexico's nightmare of devil

Satan appeared from the beginning of creation. Satan is busy leading the people of the world astray. There are different opinions about this in Islam. But no one has ever seen this devil in real life.

Have you ever wondered what Satan looks like? What could the devil look like? To get this answer, you have to go to Mexico. Shaitan will meet there!

Mexico's nightmare of devil-2

According to media reports, Sucrene is Mexico's largest meat producer. A piece of meat made by this company has a strange appearance. This fierce-looking Singh has a monstrous face as well. Not only in Mexico, the picture of this piece of meat is viral all over the world. Who wants to eat a piece of the devil's flesh, and who fears if the real devil ever comes out of the piece of meat? Such comments from everyone.

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