A computer can be found for only 1 taka!

The Dhaka Times Desk A computer can be found for only 1 taka! The popular computer company Dell came up with such a surprising advantage.

But this special opportunity is given in India. The popular computer company Dell has taken this novel attempt to bring technology to every home through the 'Back in School' campaign. This company wants to deliver computers to people's homes for just one Indian rupee.

The actual fact is that the computer can be bought with a down payment of one rupee first. After that, the remaining money can be paid to EME without any interest, it has been informed.

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Ritu Gupta, marketing director of Dell Company, told the media about this novel campaign, 'Not all people can afford to buy a computer. But today it is very necessary to have a computer in every house. So we have taken this initiative through a campaign. Through this initiative, customers can first buy the computer for one rupee. Later you can pay the remaining amount gradually in EME without any interest. And that's how those who can't buy a computer will own a computer!

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩১, ২০১৬ 10:18 am

Staff reporter

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