Smartphone is becoming a passport!

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of smartphones is increasing day by day. This time a new technology is going to be added. Smartphone is becoming a passport!

This new technology has been reported in the news media. Like you might have hurriedly got ready and gone to the airport, forgetting to leave your passport at home. What happens now? It may not be possible for you to go back due to lack of time. But you don't have to suffer from such problems from now on. Because now everyone has a smartphone. So you don't have to worry anymore.

A recent study suggests such a possibility. Today's modern passports contain electronic chips that match the bearer's face with the person's photograph on the passport.

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It is known that De La Rue, the world's largest passport maker, also produces British bank notes. The company is working on such a technology that the passport can be inserted into the user's mobile phone! In that case, the smartphone will act as a virtual passport. That is why there will be no need to show paper passport.

This paperless passport will work much like a mobile boarding card. It can be stored on the smartphone and the traveler can travel paperless.

A traveler's personal safety is likely to be threatened if only the mobile phone is lost. A spokesperson for De La Rue said, 'Paperless passports are one of our many recent initiatives. But it is still in the early stages of development. It will take some more time to make it work.'

According to The Telegraph, David Jevans of security firm Proofpoint said, 'Mobile phones will need new devices to securely store digital passports, which will not allow the passport to be copied from that particular mobile phone. It has to be delivered to the passport readers using wireless technology, failure of which could jeopardize the personal security of the passport holder.'

Analyzing everything, it is understood that the successful implementation of this technology is going to come soon. Technology that will be used for human welfare.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৩, ২০২২ 1:59 pm

Staff reporter

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