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Smartphone will cure ear infection!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the arrival of the smartphone era, many people say that due to talking for hours or people's ear problems may occur. But this time the opposite was heard. Smartphone will cure ear infections!

Ear infections heal smartphone

According to the results of a recent study, the smartphone will cure ear infections from now on! A group of researchers from Sweden's Umeå University and South Africa's University of Pretoria have made such a claim. The paper was published in the journal Ebiomedicine.

According to the report, researchers have succeeded in inventing an image processing technology called Otoscope. With this technology, images of the infected eardrum can be taken. And that picture will be uploaded to the cloud through the smartphone. Doctors can review the condition of the patient's ears by seeing that picture. Researchers believe that this effort will be very effective especially in poor countries.

According to a PTI report citing researchers, this smartphone will cure ear infection (otitis media). Every year around 1 billion children are affected by this disease. Claude Laurent, a researcher at Umeå University in Sweden, said that in many developing countries in the world, ear infections are often underdiagnosed or underdiagnosed due to a lack of qualified health workers. If left undiagnosed, the disease can cause ear damage and even become life-threatening.

This method can be analyzed with an otoscope, typically used for ear testing. The images, taken with a cochlear microscope attached to a digital smartphone, are compared with an archived image.

It has been found that 80.6% of the tests were correct in this method. 78 percent were found to be 7 percent correct in site image testing with a video-ear scanner. Therefore, researchers believe that there will be an unprecedented improvement in the treatment of ears through smartphones.

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