The Dhaka Times
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The phone did not fall from 900 feet!

The Dhaka Times Desk A surprising thing happened. Recently, Motorola's Droid Turbo Two mobile set was tested and it was found that the phone did not break even after falling from a height of 900 feet.

Motorola Droid Turbo II

According to media reports, for this test, the phone's camera is turned on and hung with a drone. Then the phone was dropped from a height of 900 feet. What happened next was truly incredible. After dropping that mobile set from above, it fell down and dropped it on the ground several times, but there was no major damage.

After this test, there was no damage to the set other than a few scratches on the top layer!

This set has 3 GB RAM, 21 megapixel camera, Snapdragon 810 processor and many other features. But the screen of this set is made with 5 flexible plastic layers. The OLED panel at the top helps protect the body of the set.

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