Categories: entertainment

Purnima in the film after a gap of four years

The Dhaka Times Desk After a long gap of four years, the popular actress Purnima came back to the movies. His new movie is 'Band Durja'. The main story of the film is about autistic children.

Shahriar Nazim Joy is directing the film 'Bandh Darsha'. This film will be produced under the banner of Impress Telefilm. The shooting will start soon.

Recently, Purnima confirmed to the media about acting in the film and said, 'A few days ago I shot a drama in Sylhet with Joy Bhai. There was the first talk about this film. I agree to do the work as I like the story-ideas of the film.'

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Poornima also said, 'Acting in films usually requires a continuous schedule, which is not at all possible for me now. I have a daughter, I have to give her time. Joy Bhai has also thought about that. He assured me that he will schedule the shooting accordingly. It made me feel that I will not have any problem in doing this film.'

Four years ago Poornima shot the last film, the film was called 'Chayachabi'. Arifin Shubo was opposite Purnima in the film directed by Muhammad Mustafa Kamal Raj. On the other hand 'Love Pape Pape Mrityu' is the latest film of Purnima to release in theatres.

Notably, popular actress Purnima stayed away from acting after becoming a mother of a daughter.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ১৭, ২০১৬ 9:05 pm

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