Categories: health talk

Know the benefits of sweat for the body

The Dhaka Times Desk We all sweat more or less. Sweating especially when going outside. Know the benefits of sweat for the body.

you are out It's hot outside, so sweat is coming out of your body. While doing some work, sweating profusely from your body during work, it can happen at any time.
However, we often think of such sweat as bad. Sweating is generally considered a bad omen. But this sweat is really bad? No, researchers say—not enough sweat is always bad. Body sweat is also quite beneficial.

According to the researchers, a healthy person sheds at least one liter of sweat from his body every day. Adequate sweating can keep anyone disease-free. It helps regular blood circulation and regulates blood pressure.

Sweating removes excess salinity from the body. Which is also very beneficial for kidneys. When you sweat, it means you need to drink more water. Which helps to remove the pollutants through the blood stream with the help of urine.
Sweating causes excess water to escape from the body, due to which the person feels cold. Which is very beneficial for both body and skin.

Moreover, when the body sweats during overwork, unnecessary and harmful substances also come out with it. Because of which the body and mind become restless. So in a word, sweat is beneficial for people.

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২০, ২০২০ 12:51 pm

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