The Dhaka Times
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The Rana Plaza tragedy is entering 4 years today

The Dhaka Times Desk The Rana Plaza collapse, known as the worst building accident in the history of Bangladesh, is entering its 4th year today. Many people still shudder when they remember Savar's Rana Plaza.

Rana Plaza tragedy

Even though the Rana Plaza tragedy has completed its 3rd year and entered its 4th year, there has been no legal breakthrough so far. Injured or maimed workers still shudder at the memory of the horrific accident.

On April 24, 2013, the 9-story building 'Rana Plaza' owned by Jubo League leader Sohel Rana collapsed at 9:30 am. Officially, 1,131 people were killed, but the exact number of victims is still unknown. Many families still claim the missing. About 2500 workers were injured in this incident.

Even after 3 years of the tragedy, many workers of Rana Plaza could not return to normal life. They are still struggling with an uncertain life. Many affected workers are living a subhuman life due to physical and mental problems.

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