The Dhaka Times
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Bipasha-Taukir Care in new ad

The Dhaka Times Desk Small screen star couple Taukeer Ahmed and Bipasha Hayat will be seen together again after a long time. They are participating in a new advertisement.

Bipasha's-Toukir new ad

According to media reports, the couple is modeling in an advertisement for Kaya Whiteplus detergent powder. The ad was produced by Amitabh Reza Chowdhury. Script and ancillary creative support provided by Asif Iftekhar Piyas.

About the advertisement, Amitabh Reza said, 'Some time ago, an advertisement of Kaya Lemon Detergent Powder with Afsana Mimi and Shahiduzzaman Salim has received quite a response. And that's why I wanted to give a little more surprise in this new advertisement of Kaya Whiteplus Detergent Powder. That's why I took Taukir-Bipasha. Although they have worked together in many advertisements before, this is the first time Taukir-Bipasha has worked together in a care advertisement.

The creator of the ad also said, like always, this ad will also be liked by the audience. The chemistry of their pair will also be captured in this ad. This ad of Taukeer-Bipasha will go on air soon, said its producer Amitabh Reza.

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