Categories: international news

A person has been living in a village for 10 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk Can one person live alone in a village? Maybe not actually possible. But one person made this impossible possible. He has been living in a village for 10 years!

Many people stay home alone day after day for many reasons. But that means living alone in a whole village! Even 10 consecutive years! But really spent 10 years alone in a village!

According to media reports, the population of the Chinese village called Xuansans is only 1 person. That is, for the past 10 years, that person named Liu Senjia has been alone in the village. 10 years ago the picture of this village was completely different. Many people lived in that village then. But due to shortage of natural resources, everyone left the village one by one. The elderly could not go, but they also died.

From 2006, Liu started living alone in the village with his bedridden mother and brother. Within a year, his mother and brother also eventually died. And since then he has been living alone in that village.

Loneliness is now Liu's companion after being alone for so many years. He has learned how to survive alone. He started rearing sheep. On how he adapted to this situation, and how he survived alone, Liu said that at first it was very difficult for him to be alone in the whole village. He could not sleep for a long time. At night when he heard the barking of fierce dogs, he could not close his eyes in fear. Three started raising sheep as companions. He has no companions except those sheep. In this way, being alone day after day has united himself with this situation.
Source: courtesy of

This post was last modified on জুন ১৯, ২০১৯ 4:12 pm

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