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16 US soldiers sentenced for attack on Afghan hospital

The Dhaka Times Desk The US military has taken disciplinary action against 16 service members for carrying out an airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

Afghan hospital attack

However, it is believed that no criminal charges have been brought against these accused soldiers.

According to media reports, the international medical charity MSF is being run by the international medical charity MSF. 42 people died in an airstrike in that hospital last year.

According to the BBC, a video of the situation inside the hospital after the attack was recently collected by BBC correspondents.

The collected footage shows how the entire hospital was reduced to rubble in the attack. Most of the walls of the hospital collapsed. Every room in the hospital, air conditioners, operation theater, everything has been burnt like coal. The patients' beds have become ashes by fire! The roof of the building was blown off in that attack. A patient who was undergoing surgery in the operation theater died immediately after his limbs flew off. There are still small traces of blood on the broken wall.

A total of 42 people, including hospital staff and patients, were killed in an airstrike by the US forces on the MSF-run hospital last October. After the attack, US investigating officials claimed it was a 'human error'. US President Barack Obama also expressed regret by admitting that the incident was wrong.

According to the report of an inquiry committee formed by the army, the US forces did not actually know that they were attacking the MSF center. The building, which was reported to contain Taliban militants, was a few hundred meters away.

Army officers involved in the November airstrike were also suspended. At present, 16 people have been punished. A senior officer is also among those sentenced. The rest are members of special operations forces.

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