The Dhaka Times
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The story of a 'Biryani Baba' who feeds chicken biryani to the destitute

The Dhaka Times Desk A father feeds chicken biryani to poor people who cannot afford to eat two meals a day. And hence he is given the name 'Biryani Baba'. Today there is the story of that 'Biryani Baba'.

biryani father's story

Those who don't get two handfuls of rice every day, they will eat biryani again! Many may be surprised to hear this. But the story is true. ``Biryani Baba'' has been feeding biryani to the poor people for the last 40 years, thinking that these poor people will never get biryani.

The real name of this 'Biryani Baba' is Ataullah Sharif Shataz Khadiri. However, he changed his name to 'Biryani Baba' long ago. He himself cannot remember that. This 79-year-old man has been giving food to poor people for the past 40 years.

But he also fed food, not ordinary pulses and rice, but chicken biryani to the poor every day. This 'Biryani Baba', a resident of Andhra Pradesh, India, serves biryani every day at the Langar Khana of the Chimalapardu Dargar. On an average, more than a thousand people get food from here every day. In special events, the number exceeds 8 to 10 thousand!

It is known that this biryani is made with 2 tons of basmati rice, pure ghee and few quintals of chicken and mutton every day. There are separate arrangements for vegetarians. 'Biryani Baba' aka Ataullah Sharif Shataj Khadiri is very happy to feed the poor people of any religion, any caste.

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