The Dhaka Times Desk The Ministry of Education has issued the admission policy for Class XI after the recently declared SSC and equivalent exam results. This time also admission to XI will be done on the basis of SSC result.
According to the policy, as in the past few years, students seeking admission will not be allowed to take any type of examination. Apply online. In all the educational institutes approved by the Board of Education, the application for admission to the 11th class in the academic year 2016-17 must be made online or through Teletalk SMS.
The web site address for online application is:
The policy also states that no educational institution or college can conduct the admission process at will. Aspirants can apply for a total of 10 institutions in their preferred list this year.
It has been informed that the students have to apply between May 26 and June 9. Those applying for re-examination should also apply within this same period. It has been informed that for the application of admission, you have to deposit 150 rupees in case of online and 120 rupees in case of application through SMS. This time the list of candidates for admission will be published only once. This list will be released on June 16. On the basis of this list, the policy issued has given instructions that the admission should be completed between June 18 and June 30.
After completing the admission by June 30, the classes of class XI of the new academic year will have to start from next July 10 in each college. Admission with late fee will continue from July 10 to July 20. An order has been issued to reserve 11 percent seats from 10 this time for admission. Leaving 89 percent seats open for all, 5 percent for children of freedom fighters, 3 percent for students outside departmental and district headquarters, 2 percent for children of the Ministry of Education and its subordinate offices and members of the governing committee, and 1 percent for children of students and expatriates of Bangladesh Sports Educational Institutions. Reservation of seats is prescribed in the issued policy.
On the basis of the merit order of published results of SSC and equivalent examination, the applications of the aspirants will be considered online also through SMS. Merit for Science Group will be decided on the basis of marks obtained in General Mathematics and Higher Mathematics/Biology. Then the English Physical Science Chemistry numbers will be considered sequentially. In case of humanities and business education groups, marks obtained in English, Mathematics and Bengali will be taken into consideration after consideration of equal total marks.
Regarding the determination of admission fee, the policy states:
# Mofswal Municipal Area / Upazila Headquarter College Session Charge Admission Fee Total 1000 Tk.
2 thousand in case of colleges located in # municipal area district headquarters.
# in metropolitan areas other than Dhaka will not exceed Tk 3 thousand.
# Additional amount of Tk 5000 including all session charges cannot be collected from MPO institutions located in Dhaka metropolitan area.
# can accept a maximum of Tk 9,000 through Bangla and a maximum of Tk 10,000 in English version including development fee in partially MPO or non-MPO colleges located in Dhaka metropolitan area.
# No organization can collect more than 3 thousand rupees in development sector.