The Dhaka Times
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Prabha was kidnapped by father and son!

The Dhaka Times Desk Prabha was kidnapped by father and son - many people may be shocked after hearing such words. But the event is not real, drama!

father & Boy was kidnapped by Lights

The story of Humayun Rashid Samrat's new play 'Love Loss' is just like that. Father is actor Tariq Anam Khan and son is Pavel Islam. They are both kidnappers! The famous actress Sadia Jahan Prabha was kidnapped by this father and son!

In the story of the play Prabha will be seen the daughter of the rich father of the city. Tariq and Pavel want to take money from Prabha's father and kill Prabha. But one time Pavel fell in love with Prova. That's why Pavel stopped his father. Pavel will not let anything affect him. Father-son conflict will start with this story. Since then, one after another surprises have been created in the drama. Tur Tani scripted the drama based on the story of the emperor.

Producer Humayun Rashid Samrat told the media, 'We were looking for a thriller type story. That is how the play is being done. The artists have done their work very carefully with their respective responsibilities. I hope the audience will like the play very much.'

The drama 'Love Loss' will soon air on a satellite TV channel.

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