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The Tragedy of Savar 'No one heard my screams' - Reshma

The Dhaka Times Desk It is difficult to breathe. I am going down with a stick with a lot of difficulty. I screamed a lot but no one could hear me.

Reshma, who was rescued alive from Savar Rana Plaza, told reporters, "Nobody heard my call but everything outside was heard." For the last 15 days I was surviving on little dry food and water. But for the last two days the food ran out. I only prayed to Allah when the work of removing the rubble was going on yesterday. It was not possible to talk to him further as he was under treatment in the hospital. Reshma Begum is undergoing treatment in the intensive care unit of Savar Combined Military Hospital after she was miraculously rescued alive after 17 days from the rubble of Rana Plaza yesterday.

It should be noted that Reshma, a girl from Ghoraghat in Dinajpur district, was miraculously rescued alive yesterday at 4:30 pm on May 10. Later he was taken to CMH. Reshma told the doctors that she was having trouble breathing.

Blisters on the body in the heat

The doctor of CMH said that Reshma's veins have dried up due to lack of water in her body due to lack of food. Apart from this, the skin has come off with blisters in various parts of his body due to the intense heat. He was taken to the hospital after being rescued. There lotion is applied to his body. Apart from that he is given oxygen and saline push. Glucose, vitamin B-complex and dexamethasone are injected in saline for extra weak cuts. At this time Reshma's body trembled at the beginning of the saline movement due to weakness. Reshma regained normal health after about half an hour of saline entering the body. He has been kept under close observation in the ICU. She is accompanied by her sister Asma and her mother Reshma in the hospital.

This post was last modified on মে ১১, ২০১৩ 3:36 pm

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