The Dhaka Times
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Here are some ways to protect your hair from the sun

The Dhaka Times Desk During this time of summer, the sun is hot, dusty and smoky, and the life in the public life is as if it is oral. As the skin is damaged by the intense heat of the sun, so is the hair. Know some ways to save your hair.

protect hair

The researchers said, due to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, the hair becomes dead. This causes roughness.

Learn how to protect your hair from the sun's UV rays:

# Shampoo your hair thoroughly every day to prevent build-up of dust. Use a shampoo that cleans the hair without making it rough.

# Now apply conditioner well on hair. Applying conditioner removes the roughness of the hair.

# Drink more water throughout the day to get rid of rough hair. Also eat lots of green vegetables.

# If the hair follicle is damaged, the damaged part can be cut off. Otherwise, the rest of the hair may also deteriorate.

# When going out of the house, tie a handkerchief or veil in your hair. This will reduce the dust in the hair. Also, the heat of the sun will be less.

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