Categories: international news

Kitchen in Myanmar and bedroom in India!

The Dhaka Times Desk Kitchen and bedroom at both ends of the two countries. The story of one such border area is in this report today.

Different countries have some strange borders that will surprise anyone. What would be the harm if this small area is divided a little bit here and there while dividing the border? When such a question comes.

One such village has been found. This village is Longwa on the border of India and Myanmar. Residents of this area exchange goods between residents of both countries. Due to the low value of Myanmar currency compared to Indian currency, Myanmar is on one side of the village and India is on the other side. The village chief's house is also spread across two countries!

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The village is located on the Indo-Myanmar border in Man district of Nagaland. The most interesting thing is that you have to enter the Myanmar border through the hut of the village head of this village! The head of the village is addressed here as 'Angha'.

The kitchen of the village chief's house is in Myanmar. His bedroom is in India. The head of the village has a total of 60 wives! He is actually the king of the tribal clan named Konyak.

He ruled not only this village in India but also 70 villages inside Myanmar. Not only the village chief, but several families living in this village have their kitchens in Myanmar and the rest of their houses in Longwa village in India.

It should be noted that due to a special agreement between India and Myanmar, Indians living in this village on the 1640 km long India-Myanmar border have free passport-visa-free travel up to 20 km inside Myanmar and Myanmar citizens up to 40 km inside India.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৯, ২০১৭ 12:24 am

Staff reporter

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