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India is cultivating fake hilsa in the pond!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that the demand for hilsa in India is high. But that's fake hilsa! That's why India is cultivating fake hilsa in the pond!

Chanos Chanos

It has been reported in the news media that this fake hilsa has the same taste and smell as the real hilsa. So to forget the sorrow of not being able to eat hilsa all year round, India is cultivating this 'fake hilsa' fish!

According to the Indian news media, this 'fake hilsa' is actually the national fish of the Philippines. There the name of this fish is Chans Chans or milk fish. This fish is also very popular in Indonesia-Taiwan.

It has been reported that the taste and behavior of hilsa, a resident of the Pacific Ocean, are quite similar to hilsa. Like hilsa, this fish also moves around in flocks. Like hilsa, they migrate to estuaries or relatively fresh water in groups when laying eggs.

The cultivation of this fish in the pond of the Fisheries Department at Henry Island in the South Twenty-four Parganas of the Indian state of West Bengal has started from last Wednesday.

36,000 chicks of this fake hilsa (Chance Chans) were brought to Kolkata by air from the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Delhi the day before. All the foals brought were released in the South Twenty-four Parganas.

The fisheries department of the country has plans to start the cultivation of this fish in the ponds of the fisheries department of Digha and Fraserganj in West Bengal.

Chans chans or milk fish can grow up to 5 feet long, said Fisheries Department officials. However, the average length of this fish is not more than one meter. The officials of the country's fisheries department are claiming that the taste of this fish, which is very similar to hilsa, is like hilsa!

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