The Dhaka Times Desk For the past few days, there has been an uproar over actress Mahi's marriage. Today we have for you to watch the video of the marriage of Mahi, the popular actress of today's film in Dhaka.
Dhallywood's current hot actress Mahiya Mahi has dressed up as a bride in real life, not in cinema life. Groom Parvez Mahmood. The groom's nickname is Apu. He came to Bangladesh after studying computer engineering from UK. Currently doing their own family business in Sylhet city.
First the engagement and then the engagement took place at Mahir's Uttara residence last Wednesday morning. Besides, on the evening of May 25, Mahi held a post-marriage press conference with her husband at a restaurant in Uttara of the capital.
He said, 'We decided to get married just a week ago. I got married very suddenly.' Mahi also said that there is no hindrance from her husband's family to act in movies after marriage. At this time Mahi said many more words.
Watch Mahi's wedding video