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You will not understand what happened after the haircut without watching the video! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It seems hard to find a person who doesn't know Virat Kohli. Virat Kohli's position is also very high now. So his fans do some mischief sometimes. Watch what a fan did while cutting hair in the video!

Virat Kohli and Haircut

Virat Kohli goes to different parts of the country till Bir Puja. Many people want to touch Virat Kohli again when they see him in front. Crowds of people gathered wherever he went. Once there was such a frenzy about Sachin Tendulkar. Now it is about Virat Kohli.

And so the number of his devotees is increasing day by day. Kohli's fan base on Twitter alone has reached almost ten million. Fans are crazy about Kohli now.
Recently, a fan of Kohli named Hakeem Mahoto did a funny thing. That's why he is in the news. The fan went to the salon to get his hair cut. After cutting the entire hair, it was seen that Hakeem Mahoto's head is full of Virat Kohli! Surely you understand, the popularity of Virat Kohli has reached a place.

Watch the video
