The Dhaka Times
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Ducks get a bachelor's degree!

The Dhaka Times Desk People earn different degrees. But this time the duck has earned a degree! A really incredible event! Although it seems unbelievable, but it really happened in Melbourne, Florida, USA.

Bachelor's degree duck

Hans surprised everyone by getting a bachelor's degree from Suntree Elementary School there. After the news broke, people flocked to catch a glimpse of the duck named Sergio. Not only that, a page called 'The Miracle Duck' has already been opened online about the 'mysterious' duck. This page is also reading a lot of likes!

According to the news, a total of 40 ducks were collected in the research of the school's science students. All the other ducks die in the long experiment, but Sergio survives. Later the school authorities decided to give it a degree. All the students of the school are also happy with this. News from UPI.

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