Categories: Science-invention

Drinkable book discovery: information at the same time again pure water!

The Dhaka Times Desk The scope of research is expanding day by day. Researchers have discovered drinkable books. This book is indeed pure water at the same time as the information!

Although the book looks like an ordinary book, the book explains why water purification is necessary and how it can be done. Although it seems normal to hear these words. The funny thing is, after tearing the pages of the book and throwing them in water, the water will become pure! The first field test of such a 'drinkable' book has proved successful.

The surfaces are coated with tiny particles of silver and copper that essentially help kill bacteria in the water. After testing water collected from 25 contaminated sources in Bangladesh, South Africa and Ghana using the pages of this drinkable book, it was found that more than 99 percent of bacteria were removed from the water. Due to this, the water that is available is the same as the water supplied from the tap in the United States, said the researchers.

The results of this 'drinkable' book were presented in detail at the 250th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Boston, according to media reports.

This post was last modified on জুন ৬, ২০১৬ 11:16 am

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