The Dhaka Times
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Bill Gates will donate millions of chickens!

The Dhaka Times Desk World-famous billionaire, philanthropist, one of the founders of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said that he will donate 100,000 chickens to help poor people.

Bill Gates will give millions of chickens

Bill Gates believes that raising chickens can change the fortunes of poor families. By doing this, the position of women in the family will be strengthened.

Bill Gates says chickens are a good investment. Because they reproduce very quickly.

Bill Gates wants to expand the business by increasing the rate of chicken rearing among poor households in West African countries from 5% to 30%.

According to the research of the world-famous billionaire Bill Gates, if a family starts investing with 10 chickens at the beginning of the year, they can earn about 1000 dollars at the end of the year.

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