Chinese company Lenovo bent handset!

The Dhaka Times Desk The days of pocket mobiles are probably coming to an end. Chinese smartphone manufacturer Lenovo has launched a new special smartphone that can be worn like a watch by folding it as you wish.

An incredible one happened at Lenovo's Tech World conference. Last Thursday, famous YouTuber Megan McCarthy appeared with this magical handset during the conference. Not only that, he bent the stylish looking handset in front of everyone and tied it like a watch on his wrist!
And with the smartphone strapped to his wrist, he took a tablet in his other hand, which looked like ten other tabs. But suddenly it is seen that by bending the tablet in half, he brought it in the form of a phone and received a phone call while holding it to his ear.

According to a report by technology website Mashable, this is about Lenovo's exceptional bend technology.

Lenovo's SVP and CTO Peter Hortensius told the audience, 'Lenovo's devices are very different from other curved screen devices. This is because, in Lenovo's bend technology, not only the screen is bent, but also the motherboard and the battery.

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However, Lenovo has not said anything about when the new flexible devices are coming to the market. However, its sky-high price could be seen at the conference itself.

Many people suffer from the irony of not being able to talk with the tab. What's the harm if it can be folded into the form of a mobile phone, and this device provides the benefits of a phone and a tab at the same time?

This post was last modified on জুন ১৩, ২০১৬ 3:30 pm

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