The Dhaka Times
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A young man born blind can say the name of three thousand birds!

The Dhaka Times Desk It has never been heard before that a born blind person can name a bird just by hearing it. However, the 29-year-old Pablo Colasso from Uruguay has achieved this impossible feat.

three Thousand of birds

This is really surprising. Because on any given day no bird was far away and saw nothing. He has never had the opportunity to see birds accompanying the immense beauty of nature with his own eyes. However, even though he did not see it, he heard the call and got the name of the bird. A strange event! He can tell the name of a bird by hearing the call! Pablo Colaso can identify more than 3000 birds of at least 720 species!

Pablo Colaso, a 29-year-old born blind from Uruguay, could clearly understand the sounds of birds since childhood. Only one in 10,000 people in the world have this type of hearing. Pablo's father used to read him the names of birds from the encyclopedia and play the sounds of those birds on an audio recorder. And then his father realized that his son could remember the sounds of birds.

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Thus recording and learning the sounds of birds became Pablo's addiction. And so in 2003 he went to an ornithologist. The ornithologist gave him a recorder.

Pablo recently completed a trip to the Sumeru region and also recorded the sounds of 'sea lions', seals and melting ice.

Pablo told the media, 'My hearing has helped me communicate with the world. I also got the opportunity to work on the soundtrack documentary.'

For this unique ability, in 2014, Pablo Net got 45 thousand US dollars as the highest prize of the Geo Television program. Pablo bought an audio recorder with most of the prize money! Really such a burden to see in the blind world!

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