The Dhaka Times
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A 'twin village' story!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us love twins. We also like to see other's twins if not our own. Today there is a story of such a twin village.

twin villages of story

How would you feel if you ever heard that everyone around you is a twin or everyone in the village is a twin?

Maybe you will be really surprised to hear such words. A similar incident happened in Kodinhi, Kerala. But to everyone this village is known as 'Twin Village'.

About two thousand families are living in this village, which is 15 km away from Calicut University. But the interesting thing is that these families have more than 220 pairs of twins!

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Experts and bewildered doctors could not find the real reason despite their efforts. So they have nothing to do but scratch their heads.

The rate of twin births is increasing every year in this village. A local doctor and twin paediatrician, Dr. Krishna Sreebiju treated these children. He said, 'Usually there is one pair of twins in every 1,000 children. However, the number of twins per thousand in Kodinhi village is 45 pairs!

Dr. Krishna explained several reasons for the birth of twins. They are - being a mother at an older age, or the normal height of mothers being more than 5 feet 3 inches etc.

But the opposite happens in Kodinhi. That is, most of the women here are married within 18-20 years! Again, their average height is less than 5 feet. So why are twins? Although Dr. could not present a specific reason in that regard. Krishna says, 'I think there's something about the climate here that makes this happen again and again. He commented that this can also happen due to the food that people eat or drink here. However, it seems that there is no such strange village anywhere else in the world.

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