If the unregistered SIM is not closed, the operators will have to charge a fine

The Dhaka Times Desk State Minister for Posts and Telecommunications Tarana Halim said that if any type of pre-active SIM or unverified SIM is found open anywhere, the concerned operator will be fined 50 US dollars per SIM.

If you get an unregistered SIM, you will be fined 50 US dollars per SIM, which is 3 thousand 943 Taka in Bangladeshi Taka. State Minister for Telecommunication Tarana Halim has also said that he will request the Ministry of Home Affairs to conduct a special operation by law and order forces from next week.

State Minister Tarana Halim gave this information on her verified Facebook page.

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Note that so far 11.6 million customers have registered their SIM biometric system. Many sims still remain unregistered.

This post was last modified on June 11, 2016 6:15 pm

Staff reporter

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