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Moulvibazar's historic Gayghar Khoza Mosque

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 17 June 2016 AD, 3 Ashad 1423 BENGABD, 11 Ramadan 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

finding historic mosque in Moulvibazar

The picture you are looking at is the historic Gayghar Khoza Mosque in Moulvibazar. It is a unique example of ancient architecture.

A unique example of ancient architecture is this historic Gayghar Khoza Mosque of Moulvibazar.

There are many stories about this mosque built more than 500 years ago. However, due to unplanned renovations, this historic architecture is on the verge of destruction.

The location of this Khojar mosque is about 5 km from Moulvibazar city in Gayghar village of Mostafapur union in a mound-like place. This historical mosque shines even from a distance with the white color of the walls. Its floor and dome are tiled. 3 big doors and 6 small doors. In the eastern pillar there is a 'tiger footprint'!

Locals believe that when this mosque was being built, this area was full of dense forest. And so the tiger roamed here. Maybe at that time a tiger pawed the raw wall of the mosque. The footprint of the tiger has survived for hundreds of years. Arabic writing on the upper side of the wall; Draw various pictures of flowers and vines. On the west wall is a very old black stone inscription. It has an iron cage fence to prevent theft. The brickwork of the mosque wall is very thick. The main mosque measures 24 cubits in length and breadth. The dome is 18 feet high.

Being a historical and beautiful structure, many people come from far and wide to see the mosque. Many people also call it Ghaibi Mosque.

There is a tradition among the locals that there were two big boulders outside the mosque, which used to move around in the dark of night! So people thought the stones were alive. Many people put their hands on stones with their hands on their faces and chests. Many people used to drink stone washing water with devotion. If the stones were messed with, no one could pick them up. Once a stone is 'dead' it is sunk into a nearby pond. Locals said that the other one was stolen later.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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