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Nirab-Mamar's new film 'I will be only your'

The Dhaka Times Desk Actor Nirav and actress Zakia Bari Mom acted together in 2006 in the drama 'Anyorak Bhoolasha'. This was the very first work of both of them. After 10 years, they paired up in a new film.

new film is about Nirob-momo

These two popular stars have already signed a contract. The shooting of the film will begin on August 1. Most of the work will be done at various locations in Pabna. The name of the film is 'Ami Tort Tor Hobo'.

Nirav said, 'There are several beautiful places in Pabna. Which have not come up properly in our film. For example, we will use Pabna Medical College, Kashinathpur Jail, High Court, Pakshi Bridge. All in all, 15/20 consecutive days will work there.'

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Nirav will play the role of Amit in the story of the film 'Aami Tort Tor Hobo'. As the story goes, the boy is always on the side of good. He does not accept any injustice. Amit accidentally gets involved in an incident. Amit loves teacher's daughter Neelima. She does not have a mother, thinking about her daughter, the father did not marry. Mom will be seen as Neelima. Rafiq Shikder will direct the film.

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Abdul Majeed Milton, the leader of the production company MT Media and Films, said, 'There were several mistakes in the film 'Game' released last year. I have analyzed many things including story, actors, location, audience. Now seems ready to take on new work. I am happy with everything this time. Hopefully, everyone will have a good film 'Aam Thar Tor Hobo'.

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