The Dhaka Times Desk Almost everyone now has a smartphone. Smartphone means thousands of applications. But don't forget to install 6 apps.
We know that the work of each app is one-of-a-kind. However, no matter how expensive or cheap the smartphone is, it can be dangerous for you. Your personal information can easily be leaked to hackers. That's why you can get into trouble.
6 apps you should stay away from:
Loaded with bloatware and adware. It will annoy you all the time.
This app is used to make photo gallery very easily. But there is a possibility of hacking from it.
It is a popular Android web browser. But even behind this, hackers may be lurking.
Music Player will actually play music for you. It will also consume a lot of data. It will also damage the battery.
Anyone downloading this app should do so at their own risk. This app can become your nightmare.
Despite the name Battery Saver does not save battery power at all nor does it charge the battery quickly. In fact, the whole thing is nothing but an advertising trick.
This post was last modified on জুন ১৪, ২০২২ 1:04 pm
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