The Dhaka Times Desk Recently actress Mahiya Mahi went for a shoot with her husband. The husband also went to the shooting spot with Mahi like a forced son! But the mess is sitting with legs out during iftar.
The shooting is going on with the husband. Everything was going well. But no one could have imagined that Mahi would do such a thing on the first day itself.
In the month of Ramadan, the religious feeling is more evident among the people. Everyone present is shocked to see Mahir's behavior in such a month! The way Mahi openly sat in front of her husband and in front of other people on the shoot, it seemed obvious to everyone.
Many people say that Mahi's husband could have advised Mahi at this time that no matter how open the heroine Mahi is in front of the camera, at least she could have sat without showing her knees like this during Iftari.
There is a lot of criticism about this. Mahi fans think that Mahi will refrain from such behavior in future.