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The owner of the house threatens to leave the house if you don't like it on Facebook!

The Dhaka Times Desk The story of landlord-tenant tension over various issues including rent increase is a very old story. However, the owner of the house threatened to leave the house if he did not give 'like' on Facebook!

Facebook like and leaving house

The owner of an apartment in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, imposed such a condition on the tenants, which is really strange.

A notice hung on the door of the City Park apartment in Salt Lake City recently stated that failure to 'like' the apartment complex's Facebook page within 5 days would be considered a breach of the tenancy agreement. That means the tenants will have to leave the house if they don't like it!

Residents of the City Park Apartments complained that the notice posted by the apartment complex's owner said the condition to 'like' the company's Facebook page was added to the tenancy agreement. Not only that, the condition also says to post pictures of tenants and guests visiting the apartment on that Facebook page.

Tenants are very angry at such conditions. Tenant Jason Ring said, 'We are not willing to be forced to be someone's friend and be threatened if we don't comply.'

Zachary Meyers, a local lawyer who is vocal in protecting the rights of tenants, also said, 'I am not sure whether imposing such conditions on tenants is legal or not. But for the elderly and disabled, who can't or won't use Facebook, such conditions are surely nothing but discrimination.'

However, in the face of criticism and protest of the tenants, the owner finally came to his senses. After the matter came to light, the Facebook page of the apartment complex was flooded with sarcastic comments. Due to which the owner was forced to withdraw such a strange notice and apologize. Also, the Facebook page is temporarily closed!

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