This Rolls Royce car will reign for the next 100 years! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Everything is auto! As soon as the car came to the door, the carpet came out! The side door also opened. As well as the upper sunroof. Inside there is a semi-circular sofa. That expensive logo on the front of the car. This Rolls Royce car will reign for the next 100 years!

New Rolls-Royce & next 100 yearsNew Rolls-Royce & next 100 years

According to media reports, the famous American car company Rolls Royce is going to make a new car that will rule the world of cars for the next 100 years - there is no doubt about that.

There is no driving seat in this car. The car will automatically move on the road! The front part of the car is quite wide. Even though the rear seat has a lot of space, you would be wrong to think that there is no luggage storage facility in it. The reason is that there is a side box on the side of the car to keep the luggage!

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The car looks quite attractive. The car carpet will not only help you get out of the car. This carpet will also give you the feeling of walking on the red carpet!

The highest technology has been used in the interior and exterior design of this car. The car is still in the concept stage. The car will automatically greet you after entering the car. However, there is no word yet on the price of the car.

Watch the video of the car

This post was last modified on জুন ১৪, ২০২২ 12:55 pm

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