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Due to the evil of mobile phones, people are getting old at a young age!

The Dhaka Times Desk The use of electronics is increasing day by day. People are aging at a younger age due to the use of modern technology-enabled electronic devices like mobile phones and tablets.

bad result of mobile phones

Recently, expert doctors in India said that the use of modern technology products is creating physical and mental stress for people.

Expert doctors have said that due to prolonged use of electronic products by hunched over or bent over, people's 'tech neck' problems are more common. This causes the skin of the face and jaw to wrinkle and sag. That's why people look old at a young age.

Vinod Vij, a cosmetic surgeon at Mumbai-based Fortis Hospital, said, 'Those who use devices like smartphones, tablets or computers while leaning for a long time, face wrinkles. Again, using mobile phones while leaning causes neck and shoulder pain. Also, problems like headache, shivering, hand-wrist, elbow pain or convulsions can occur in the human body.

Mohan Thomas, senior cosmetic surgeon at the Institute of Cosmetic Surgery of India, says that people do not easily understand the negative impact on the neck, bones and skin. Technical people should take appropriate steps to prevent such problems. In this case, overuse of electronic products must be reduced.

Cosmetic surgeon Mohan Thomas also says that due to excessive use of smartphones, the neck muscles become tense. This also increases the gravitational pressure on the skin. It causes sagging of the skin, double chin, vertical lines along the chin and lips and sagging jawline. Due to the appearance of these marks on the face, it is called smartphone face in medical science.

So experts have advised to be more careful in using these electronic items.

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