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Historic 'Amir Muhammad Ali Tawfiq' Mosque in Cairo

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, July 1, 2016 Christ, 17 Ashad 1423 Bengal, 25 Ramadan 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Amir Muhammad Ali Tawfiq mosque

The picture you are looking at is the 'Amir Muhammad Ali Tawfiq' Mosque in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. It is a historic and beautiful mosque.

This mosque was opened for worshipers on May 20, 2016 after 10 years. The worshipers are very happy to reopen the mosque after 10 years and as a result the tourism culture will be stronger and the people of Egypt will be more familiar with this mosque.

Note that in 2007, all activities of the mosque were stopped to rebuild the mosque. The reconstruction of the mosque was completed in 2015.

Amir Muhammad Ali Tawfiq Mosque This mosque was built in 1933 by the order of the king named Muhammad Ali Tawfiq. The interior and exterior of the mosque are drawn from Andalusian and Ottoman culture. It is one of the most historic and beautiful mosques in the world.

Photo: Courtesy of

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