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Gold found in cow urine!

The Dhaka Times Desk How many more things to see from time to time! This is a really surprising event. And that is, gold was found in cow's urine!

Gold has been found in cow's urine

Cows in India are urinating gold! That's literally! Researchers have found gold by testing the urine of Indian Gir cows! After four long years of intensive research, researchers at the Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU) in India have reportedly found gold in the urine of the Gir breed of cows. This information has emerged in the news of Times of India.

According to the news, after testing the urine samples of 400 cows, it can be seen that there are 3 to 10 mg of gold per liter of urine. The test was conducted at JAU's renowned food testing laboratory. This gold is found in the form of water soluble salts.

The research was led by the head of JAU's biotechnology department. BA Golakia. He applied the chromatography-mass spectrometry method to the examination of urine samples.

Dr. BA Golakia says, 'We have heard of gold in cow's urine in ancient literature. However, there has never been any detailed scientific research on this. So we researched the urine of 400 cows and found gold.

Dr. thinks it is possible to extract gold from cow's urine using chemical process. Golakia

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