The Dhaka Times
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Telefilm 'Aparajita Tumi' Starring Hillol-Sabila Noor

The Dhaka Times Desk Hillol-Sabila Noor starring Nazneen Hasan Chumki, Fahmida Irfan directed telefilm 'Aparajita Tumi' will air on Channel 9 on 3rd day of Eid at 2:30 PM.

Eid Telefilm Oparajita Tumi

Hillol-Sabila Noor starring Nazneen Hasan Chumki, Fahmida Irfan directed telefilm 'Aparajita Tumi' will air on Channel 9 on 3rd day of Eid at 2:30 PM.

Story Summary:

The main theme of this drama is the love of two young people, doubts, doubts and the beauty of Tilottama Dhaka city. Archie, a young woman from Australia checked into an elite hotel in Dhaka city. First coming to Dhaka city on him alone again. Archie, who had made a long journey with some kind of anxiety, fell asleep once. When Archie wakes up in the morning, he rushes to the reception and starts screaming because his passport has been stolen. In many ways, the hotel authorities tried to convince Archie, "You might have forgotten your passport, find it and get it."

Archie refuses to listen to them. Because, he has a kind of mistrust towards Bangladeshis. Getting impatient and annoyed, Ifti raised the voyage over Arpi's voyage and said, "You can't find the passport by shouting.. Give it time.." It's true.
So Arpi is a little embarrassed. The matter did not escape the attention of the hotel authorities. They ask Arpi for a day and give Iftik the responsibility of Arpi. Ifti did not agree in the beginning but he had to agree for the sake of the job. Ifti's responsibility begins with Arpi. He did not get a passport and came to Bangladesh alone for the first time in his life. And because of having a negative idea about Bangladeshis, Orpi is walking around with Ifti but can't believe it. The dollar changer himself gives the dollar to Ifti and counting the dollars says to himself "This man will surely steal money from my dollar change." Ifti gives the two hundred dollar change to Orpi. Arpi started counting money with doubts. Before taking out the retail money from his pocket, Arpi charged Ifti in a disbelieving tone, “You have to steal money from here too..!! Did you think that I won't know how much money will be if I break the dollar..?? This is the internet era.. People can know everything easily..'' He also starts behaving mysteriously with Orpi. Due to which every moment.. every word, ifti's behavior started to increase doubt in Arpi's mind. Arpi went with Ifti to different places in Dhaka city with doubts but his eyes were impressed. Ifti started taking Arp to different places in Dhaka city. From a little fear, he sometimes looked at Ifti suspiciously. Still, he can't deny the beauty of Dhaka city and Orpi explains to Ifti in one word or two that “Dhaka city boys are greedy.. They always want to marry girls with foreign passports to go abroad.. I'm not that stupid dad.. this. I won't do such a mistake.. Ifti laughs without getting angry after hearing Arpi's words. This made Arpi more suspicious. After a day, Orpi got his passport back the next morning. It was Arpi's fault, he left the passport at the reception and the boy who got the passport left without forgetting the passport in the drawer and the next day was the boy's day off so the boy could not return the passport to Arpi. Faced with this incident Arpi is very ashamed of using it. Says sorry to Ifti and tells the reason for her coming to Dhaka “My father has bought a flat in my name in the north.. Why should I never come to this country again.. So I came to sell the flat.. I got one while sitting in Australia.. Now Ifti will you help me..??” Ifti agrees to help this girl in one word alone. Again the insect called doubt moved in Arpi's head. He thinks, "Razi will agree, surely Ifti will decide on a buyer and eat the percentage. Otherwise, Ifti knows the buyer that I decided.." Orpi can't hold this thought anymore, and asks Ifti. Ifti is very surprised, he also explains that in this country, people do more harm than good. And if Arpi doesn't take Ifti's help, then it's good for Ifti. Arpi gets embarrassed once again after misunderstanding Ifti. The flat is sold. Now it's Arpi's turn to go. He wants to marry Ifti by proposing to Arpi while leaving. Because, he has understood that as a Bangladeshi husband, he is not as caring as an Australian. Because, after coming to Bangladesh for just a few days, Orpi received a mail from her Australian boyfriend about a break-up and the boyfriend gave the reason, "I'm tired of sustaining this relationship for so many years." Orpi wants to get married and take Ifti to Australia as well. Which is good for Ifti and his family too. But Ifti says the opposite, she wants to marry such a girl who considers her husband's country as her own and will stay close to her husband and his family. After all, ARPI may be in Bangladesh. But Arpi Australia proved Ifti wrong. After Orpi left, Ifti wandered alone in the places where Orpi went with Orpi, Ifti started missing Orpi's vision. Because, she has already fallen in love with Arpi. On the screen we see a text….after 15 days………
Ifti is doing her duty at the hotel. Check in also. Ifti is surprised. Arpi says to Ifti “I want to be an immigrant of Bangladesh…..can you help me a little? I have come to stay in my husband's country ……….”. Ifti laughs…..orpio …………..

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