The Dhaka Times
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It's not a 'naked' female idol, it's actually a fruit!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many may think that this is a 'naked' female idol. But actually it is not, it is the fruit of the tree! Look exactly like a 'naked' woman!

it is fruit of tree

If one sees this scene for the first time, he will wince and watch it again. Emma! What is it? Is it a 'naked' female idol? If you hear it is the fruit of a tree. Then you think that there is a fruit of a tree or not? Recently, this tree has created a stir in the online world.

According to media reports, the name of this tree is 'Narilata'. Many people call it Liathambara. The fruit of this tree looks exactly like a 'naked' woman! This plant is found in the Himalayan region of India. But this tree bears fruit every 20 years. People were first shocked to see the fruit of this tree as it looked like a 'naked' woman. As if everyone was shocked at once!

it is fruit of tree-2

But the most surprising thing is that there is no existence of this plant in any nature journal. And that is the real secret. Scientists are also puzzled about the existence of this strange tree. Although this tree exists only according to myths and beliefs.

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